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How solar installers can connect with existing customers and leads

Running a solar installation business requires a significant amount of customer relationship management. In the past, most solar installation companies did a lot of this management by hand. Now, with the solar industry becoming far more competitive, it is becoming necessary to assess the customer onboarding processes.

Using a Customer Relationship Management suite

A customer relationship management (CRM) platform is used to consolidate all the information you know about customers, such as their contact information, their history, and their purchases. CRM solutions today have advanced analytics and to point to those most likely to convert. It’s a safe bet to assume your competitors are using a CRM solution, so adopting one for your solar business is necessary to remain competitive.

Reaching out to customers directly

CRM solutions make it possible to reach out to existing and prospective customers through newsletters, emails, and via phone. CRM solutions are even able to automate much of this connectivity so sales professionals don’t need to devote time to chasing down leads; they can instead focus on securing them. The more interaction a customer has with a brand, the more likely they are to eventually feel comfortable enough to make a purchase.

Building up trust and value

Importantly, customer connections today aren’t just about selling. Providing useful and insightful information to eco-friendly homeowners is what will eventually build up trust. Telling customers what they need to know and want to know is an easy way to build trust and show them that you’re a leader in your field. Then, when you need to connect with them regarding sales, they’ll recognise your name.

Upselling to existing customers

Upselling has become important to the solar industry. Even existing customers may still be open to upgrading (adding battery storage or more solar panels) and maintaining their systems — and they will already have a connection and relationship with your company. When upselling and reselling, it’s critical that the company has established good lines of support and communication, such as through better interactivity.

A great example of solar upselling using your CRM:

The solar industry is ever-changing in Australia. Take a look at changing solar and battery rebates across the states.
Some of our SolarPlus users in Victoria, Australia have been able to take advantage of the recent updates to the Victorian Solar Battery Rebate. The rebate was recently extended to all postcodes in Victoria. To be eligible, customers have to meet certain criteria.
Our Victorian solar installers have been able to easily connect with their existing solar customers and old leads to upsell battery systems (or solar + battery packages), now that there’s a state incentive to do so.
The key to this approach is that these solar businesses are keeping an organised CRM to review which customers or leads might be eligible or have shown interest in the past but weren’t ready to make an investment in battery storage at the time.
Either an email sent to a specific list of contacts from the CRM, or a sales team member connecting via a call, there are many options to choose from to reconnect.
SolarPlus is a great option for this. Here’s just a few features of our CRM:
  • Sync your leads directly from your website forms or integrate with other services
  • Manage all of your prospective customers in one place
  • Sync your calendar events to keep on top of calls and meetings with customers
  • Simple customer quote acceptance
  • Upload your customers’ own interval data for highly personalised performance and savings reports
  • Full customer history: see what they purchased in the past.

Plus other features that help you take the headache out of the sales to install process.

There are a lot of ways solar installers can connect with customers and leads. But it always starts with getting the right software.

Connect with the team at SolarPlus to find out more!

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